Ladies & Gentlemen, brace yourselves. Triple-digit heat has claimed yet another victim: US!!!

*Cries In Spanish*

Triple-digit temperatures will take over the forecast this week as the official start of Summer happens on Wednesday, June 21st.

Courtesy: NWS El Paso
Courtesy: NWS El Paso

A heat advisory is in place for El Paso at least until Saturday as we are expecting afternoon highs to increase daily throughout the week.

According to the NWS of El Paso, we are expected to hit a high of 101 on Monday and by Sunday we could reach an afternoon high of 107!

It’s going to be hot, dry, and breezy. In other words, it’s going to feel like you’re standing in front of a blowing hair dryer, according to NWS of El Paso.

Along with hot temperatures, we can expect plenty of sunshine and dry conditions. This can be a dangerous combination for people who do any outdoor burning because of the dry conditions and heat.

If you plan on doing any outdoor activities you will want to plan those activities early in the day because temperatures will already be in the 80s by 9 a.m. and they will only heat up throughout the day.

Safety Tips For Beating The Heat:

  • Dress in light-colored clothing
  • Protect yourself with a hat, sunblock, and long sleeve shirts if you plan on working outside for long hours.
  • HYDRATE!! Even if you think you’re not thirsty, trust me, you are.
  • Take as many breaks as needed if you plan on being outside for long hours.
  • NEVER leave a pet or young child in a car unattended because the inside of a vehicle will heat up more than the actual outside temperature.
  • Take your pets on a walk either early in the morning or once the sun goes down so they won’t dehydrate or burn their paws.

Free Fans For Those In Need:

If you need a fan to help you beat the heat, you are encouraged to call 2-1-1 to see if you qualify to receive a free fan courtesy of the City of El Paso.


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