Beto O’Rourke Gets Mooned Over Zoom
Beto got Zoom-mooned.
Ever since the pandemic changed the way we interact and people began holding Zoom meetings, classes, visitations, etc. getting “Zoom bombed” -- or, worse yet, mooned over Zoom -- became a risk.
Wednesday (Aug. 26), the latter happened to El Pasoan Beto O’Rourke, the former Texas congressman and Democratic candidate for president hopeful.
O’Rourke was taking part in a virtual town hall meeting sponsored by Chrysta Castañeda, Democratic candidate for the Texas Railroad Commission, when naked butt flashed across the screen.
The short clip, shared on the Instagram account FitFam El Paso and pixelated for your protection, shows Beto in the middle of a discussion when the thumbnail identified as “joe lign” directly above him suddenly goes from black to some pantless guy mooning the camera for a few seconds before it goes dark again.
The person filming video of the video with his smartphone then pans to show a couple of the other town hall participants smiling over what they just witnessed before cutting back to Beto who appears oblivious to the stunt.