Alamo Drafthouse to Host Disney Trivia Night
Cleverly titled "When You Wish Upon a Bar: A Geeks Who Drink Disney Quiz," is a trivia event for hardcore Disney fans in El Paso. If you are like me, you probably think you are pretty knowledgeable about random Disney facts. Well, the time has come to use all that useless information.
On October 25th, Alamo Drafthouse at Montecillo will be hosting this Geeks Who Drink Disney Quiz from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. It's on a Wednesday, so you know they are trying to weed out some of the fans that aren't that dedicated to play on a work/school night.
The premise of this quiz is to create a team of Disney fans, who will be asked a series of questions focusing on the Disney cinematic universe, possibly some questions about the Disney parks, games and anything else having to do with Disney.
This is the second time that Alamo Drafthouse will be hosting this trivia quiz, and contestants who have played before say it is a lot harder than you think.
Psshh, amateurs.
I live, breathe, eat Disney. I am an adult, but I totally still immerse myself in Disney culture. I am not saying I know everything, but I would be a great asset to a team. I might just have to make one with some coworkers. Disney practically owns all of our souls, right?
Don't judge me...
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