I know kids are hating being back in school, but I was thinking about the field trips that used to break up our school year back in the day. From the time we were in elementary school all the way up to high school, we used to take field trips to interesting places all over El Paso. Sadly, it seems like field trips aren't something that local school districts do much of any more, but these are the five places we used to visit almost every school year when I was a kid:

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

1. Sunbeam Bakery - This is the reason why driving on I-10 just before the downtown area is so nice sometimes. If you're lucky, you can smell the amazing scent of baking bread wafting across the freeway. When we were kids we were able to walk through and watch the bread being made and then got given a kid-sized loaf of fresh, warm bread to chow down on in the bus back to school. Heaven!

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

2. Price's Creameries - Watching milk getting put into bottles on a conveyor belt was tons of fun. I'm not a huge fan of milk, but I was all about getting a little container of ice cream with a flat wooden spoon at the end of the tour!

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

3. El Paso Museum of Art - This field trip was to the original site of the Museum of Art which is now the International Museum of Art. The home is Trost-designed and a real step back in El Paso's history. The gallery's were, and still are, large and open, and showcase the art inside perfectly. The venue is a work of art itself with gorgeous chandeliers and stained glass windows at the top of a beautiful staircase. Even though it no longer houses the City's museum of art, the venue is a real gem.

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

4. El Paso Times - This is another field trip that used to be somewhere else, and that somewhere else no longer exists. The old El Paso Times building used to sit on the site of the current City Hall. That building was built after the original Times building was torn down and replaced. The building I used to walk through as a kid was beautiful, but sadly, has been lost to the wrecking ball. Still, watching a newspaper being written and printed was fascinating, and it is something that eventually will also be lost as newspapers die and are replaced by digital publications.

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

5. Magoffin Home - The Magoffin Home is El Paso. It has been around since the 1800s, it housed what is widely considered to be the First Family of El Paso for decades, and is still standing in it's original location just outside of downtown El Paso. Haunted, beautiful, open to the public, and a premiere piece of El Paso history. It was magical to see this home as a child, and something I still love to do!

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