4 Ways The Olympics Are Just Like Real Life Just Without Medals
The Winter Olympics are right around the corner. They kick off in Beijing on February 4, and yes, they are fraught with political craziness but not, I do not want to talk about all that stuff. I love the Olympics, Summer and Winter, but when I watch them I'm always surprised at how much like real life they are. I mean, there's drama, workplace romances, and rewards for a job well done.
Watch the Winter Olympics this year and check out how much like real life they are:
1. They scare the crap out of your to start your event - An Olympic event like a race begins with a starting gun getting fired. You know your day has started when an alarm clock blares in your ear. Both things are meant to make you jump and haul butt. The only reason I'm glad we have alarm clocks rather than starting guns in the morning is because I can hit the snooze button on a clock.
2. Looks Are Everything - Ever notice how sometimes the ice skater with the cutest costume and the flirtiest eyes ends up beating the score of her not-so-flirty-eyed competition? Sometimes, remembering to do your mascara and reapplying your lipstick is the key to success. That said, don't forget to practice your triple salchow or you'll never win gold.
3. Moms Are The Most Important Person In Your Life - When you're just starting out in life, you think your mom doesn't know anything. You soon find out that she's never wrong, and then you star in a commercial like this one:
4. Workplace Romances Are Unavoidable - You know how you and your co-worker get to know each other over happy hour drinks? Olympic athletes get thrown together in a village where, one Olympic athlete said, "I've never witnessed so much debauchery in my life!" 100,000 condoms have even been distributed to athletes in the past. Dang, those athletes sure have understanding bosses.
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