3 El Paso School Districts Don’t Have A Policy On Taking A Knee During National Anthem
The NFL saw many of its players begin taking a knee this weekend to protest President Donald Trump saying that NFL players who don’t stand for the National Anthem were “sons of bitches” who should be fired for doing so. So what about El Paso high school football players? Should they be allowed to take a knee during the anthem, and if they do, would they be punished?
A Burges High school football player took a knee during the National Anthem at a football game last year. There was a social media debate about his actions, but it turns out, the El Paso Independent School District did not punish the player, nor will they punish players who choose to take a knee during the anthem.
EPISD Athletic Director Maria Kennedy said the district respects the right of its students to exercise their freedom of expression. EPISD says they will “protect and respect the civil and constitutional rights of all students, as long as it doesn't infringe or harm the rights of others.”
The Ysleta Independent School District is another El Paso school district that does not have a policy about taking a knee. Del Valle High School football coach says none of his players have said they would like to stay in the locker room or sit down during the anthem, but if a student did choose to kneel, "I would probably ask them why and see if I can help him figure out a different way, a better way, that's more of a team type thing."
The Socorro Independent School District also says their district does not have a policy regarding anthem protests.
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