Medicinal use of marijuana has been a huge issue nationwide. While some states decided to embrace it, some states have absolutely forbid is. New Mexico has been on the fence about the situation ever since Colorado decided to legalize the use of marijuana to those 21 and over, not just for medicinal purposes.

November 11th though the 13th at Hotel Encanto, you can explore the world of medicinal marijuana at the 2016 Southern New Mexico Medical Cannabis Expo in Las Cruces. There will be doctors on site to approve medical licenses and to even consult with you about your medical issues that marijuana can help.

The cost for the expo is $20 (each day) for non-patient and $10 (each day) with your medical card. It is open to the public, you could also qualify on site for a medical card with one of the doctors on site. There will be a dab bar, vapor station and it wouldn’t be complete without a munchie eating contest. For more details check out the event Facebook page.

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