Dear Friend,
Because today is the day we gather with friends and family to give thanks for all our blessings, I am inspired to reflect on the things that I am most thankful for:


--My computers ‘clear history’ function
--That Obama only has 1 year left to screw up our economy
--Dark chocolate
--Single malt Scotch
--That there’s only one ‘Twilight’ movie left
--18 to 22-year-old men and women brave enough to eradicate evil in the desert so that you and I can be thankful today from the relatively safe confines of our homes

I sincerely appreciate you allowing Tricia and I to service you with our silly, sophomoric and completely nonsensical definition of entertainment each morning. I am very grateful and thankful. You are the stuffing to our turkey, and that's a high compliment because I like stuffing the best out of all the Thanksgiving delicacies! Now get out there and shop. Our economy needs you!!!

Mike Martinez

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