Win a 6-Pack of EP Chihuahuas Tickets ONLY Through Our KISSFM App
First, before you keep scrolling. Make sure you already have the 93.1 KISSFM App. If you do not, you can download it by entering your number below.
Good, now that we have that out of the way, you can easily enter our contest for a chance to win a 6-Pack of tickets to see the El Paso Chihuahuas on June 25th, 2021.
The game starts at 7:05 pm so it is perfect for those of you who might need time to get off of work.
Download the free 93.1 KISSFM mobile app.
Open the app and look for the button menu, under the big photos and headlines of KISSFM articles.
Then tap on the feature button that says WIN TIX.
You will then be taken to a link only accessible through the KISSFM mobile app.
That tap will then open up a form for you to fill out to enter. This contest will only be running until June 23rd, 2021, at 11:59 pm.
We will then be contacting a random winner to pick up the tickets over here at the radio station 4180 N. Mesa. We are still working on completely opening up our building, so for now we will coordinate the picking up the prizes with winners.
Tell your family and friends to download the free 93.1 KISSFM app to enter this contest and hopefully one of you will be the lucky winner!