Why Jay J. Armes Is Selling His Lower Valley Mansion: ‘I’m Not Desperate and I’m Not Destitute’
From the minute 93.1 KISS-FM first published the news that the legendary Jay J. Armes was selling his Lower Valley mansion, the El Paso internet immediately began to wonder why.
Comments such as “he’s probably broke that’s why,” and “sounds like he is needing money” were posted to social media. Others speculated he couldn’t afford the property taxes any longer or that he wanted to live out his golden years somewhere else.
And when we published details of the planned estate sale, some wondered if El Paso’s most famous and well-known private investigator had passed away.
No, he’s not dead, and he’s not broke. It’s pretty simple really, according to Armes. The Lower Valley landmark is just too much house for the 80-something and his wife.
“I want to set the record straight, that there’s no other reason. I’m not retiring, [and] I’m not penniless,” Armes said in an interview. “I’m not desperate and I’m not destitute,” he added.
As to what happened to the menagerie of exotic animals he once kept on his estate, Armes tells the news station that over the years he has donated them to zoos across the country.
When his property, valued by CAD in the six figures and on the market for $3 million, finds a buyer, the larger than life character won't be seeing El Paso in his rear view mirror.
As 93.1 KISS-FM previously reported, Armes plans to continue living in the Sun City in something a bit cozier and more manageable for an elderly couple -- even though he says he can afford to live anywhere.
“Why stay in El Paso? Because I’m from El Paso.”
Jay J. Armes Puts Lower Valley Mansion Up for Sale

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