What Is Maundy Thursday During Holy Week?
Holy Week is the week before Easter and each day has a particular significance but even those of us who regularly go to Mass don't know what the Holy Days of Easter week are all about. Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday and here is what it means and how it is often observed:
1. Why is it called Maundy Thursday - Maundy means commandment, and the Last Supper was held on this day of Holy Week. During the Last Supper Christ gave his disciples the commandment to "love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another," John 13:34.
2. Why does the Pope wash people's feet - Tradition holds that on Maundy Thursday, Christ washed the feet of his disciples to show his humility and service to mankind. We are also supposed to use this day to help our fellow man, no matter his or her station in life. Pope Francis has washed the feet of prisoners to show that he is in service to all mankind even though he is the Pope. Last year he didn't because of COVID-19. There is no word on whether he will observe Maundy Thursday in this way this year.
No matter what your faith or whether you practice your faith actively, we could all take a moment on Maundy Thursday to reach out to someone we know who could use our help even though none of has the time to worry about someone else. That is what Maundy Thursday is all about. Helping out those around us even though they might not be the most important person to us and give of ourselves as Christ gave his life for us.