What is Going on With El Paso’s Skyline in New Liam Neeson Movie?
See El Paso's Downtown skyline morphe in the trailer for the new action thriller "Memory" starring Liam Neeson and Guy Pearce.
Last summer, rumors began to swirl that action movie star Liam Neeson was in El Paso filming for a new movie.
The rumors turned out to be true after a post on the Next Door site indicated that Camera Hogs, the film production company was indeed in town filming the movie Memory.
According to the post, residents in the neighborhood received a letter from the film company stating,
The director, Martin Campbell, is interested in filming a few angles of the exterior of your street and homes to match scenes already filmed in Bulgaria. These scenes will play a big role in making the film seamlessly look like El Paso.
The trailer for Memory opens with Liam Neeson beating down on bad guys and blowing everything up while he narrates, ending with, "We all have to die but what's important is what you do before you do before you go."
Looks intense in typical Liam Neeson mode – but while the movie looks good, all I noticed is how Hollywood ended up changing the El Paso downtown skyline.
Two scenes flash before our eyes of the downtown skyline where you can see the courthouse, the WestStar Tower, and all the usual suspects that line our view every day.
But in another scene, we see a wider shot with the inclusion of another strange white and green building and additions of other parts of the city all crammed in, giving the El Paso skyline a completely different look.
What exactly is going on in this picture, and where is that crater of land anywhere in El Paso?
Leave it to Hollywood to get creative and change everything – I mean, the director did say that most of the film is filmed in Bulgaria but will match scenes in El Paso for a "seamless look."
We get it, it's just a movie, and it's no biggie, but we hope that others unfamiliar with our city know that it's all just the magic of Hollywood at hand.
I love Liam Neeson and can't wait to watch Memory when it hits theatres on April 29, and you bet I'll be back then with a complete list of El Paso scenes spotted in the film, so stay tuned.
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