What Do You Miss About Your Childhood in El Paso?
There's a reason nostalgia sells. People LOVE remembering the 'good ole' days. CLICK HERE for a whole article about why people love nostalgia.
A survey was recently done that asked people what they miss about their childhood. Here are the top 10 responses:
- School holidays
- Not having any worries about life
- Not having to pay bills
- Spending all day playing
- Not having to work
- No responsibilities
- Being excited to wake up on your birthday
- Playing in the park on swings and slides
- Having someone cool all your meals
- Seeing friends every day at school
These are fairly generic things that people miss about their childhood. Which leads me to the question:
What do you miss about your childhood in El Paso?
I didn't grow up here in the Borderland but I know how quickly it's changed in just the past decade or so. The first time I visited here was October of 2012. I eventually moved here in August of 2015. In just that 3 years, the city had already grown in leaps and bounds. El Paso continues to grow to the point it's going to be a completely new city in 5 years.
Need some inspiration to remember your childhood? Here are some vintage TV ads from back in the day. First, we have the Silver Streak Flame Broiled Hamburgers ad.
We recently posted the old 'Broccoli Girl' commercial for Western Playland.
And finally, how about this?! An old ad for KLAQ from the 90's!
CHECK IT OUT: These words were born in the '80s
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