Want To Try Out For Viva El Paso? Check Out Their Pre-Audition Master Classes
If you want to be a part of Viva! El Paso, you might want to go to their dance master classes. The classes are being offered to performers auditioning for this year’s production of Viva. The classes are free and you will learn the different kinds of dances that are featured in the show.
Classes are open to adults, (13 and older), and children (ages 7 through 12).
Classes are from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the McKelligon Canyon Pavilion, just North of the McKelligon Canyon Amphitheater. There are directions to the Pavillion here.
Adult master classes are scheduled for February 5, 12, 19, and 26; and March 5 and 12.
Children’s master classes will be on February 7, 14, 21, and 28; and March 7 and 14.
Viva is also looking for bilingual performers for their Spanish-language performances.
Auditions for this year’s production of Viva! El Paso will be held March 24-25 at the Abraham Chavez Theatre.
Performance dates and other details will be announced in the spring. Keith Townsend will be returning to Viva as artistic director for his third consecutive season.
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