As January comes to a close that can only mean one thing stands between us and Valentines day. The most epic football game of all time. That is right we are just a couple of weeks away from the biggest televised football game to air on television and that means there will be many parties.

Obviously a party is nothing without people but what about a party without food? It will never work. So what do you do when you are asked to bring something to that big game party? Well aside from buffalo wings I am not entirely sure what that entails but I do know what not to bring to that next big game party.

I can personally think of 10 food items not to even think about when you are planning on hosting, or attending, the biggest football game this February. For help in what to bring keep an eye out for that list of foods that will be a for sure touch down at your big game party February 12. Let us know in the comments any food items that are not on the list that are not allowed anywhere near your big game party this February along with your favorites.

Top 10 Foods to Not Bring to the Next Big Game Party

Top 10 Foods to Not Bring to the Next Big Game Party

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