With so much going on in this crazy world, I bet you're thinking El Paso isn't even on this list, but it may surprise you. 

Credit: kzenon
Credit: kzenon

Looks like El Paso is somewhat a pretty safe city as it did make the list and it may even surprise you where it fell on the list. With social media at everyone's fingertips now, it seems to have glorified bad behavior and all the bad news circulating and going viral. But surprisingly, crime rates in the United States as a whole have fallen.

The list would be huge if it counted every single city in the U.S so the stats used filtering only for cities with a population above 500,000, which shortened the list significantly. All the stats are according to FBI stats of cities with a population over 500,000.

The criteria for the count was narrowed down. They only included cities that reported their most recent data to the FBI. They excluded any cities that had double-digit increases in their burglary rates and they excluded any cities that had an overall upward trend (over 1%) in their burglary rates between 2010 and 2014. So where did El Paso come in?

10.) Denver, Colorado

9.) Portland, Oregon

8.) Austin, Texas

7.) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

6.) Washington, District of Columbia

5.) Boston, Massachusetts

4.) Los Angeles, California

3.) San Diego, California

2.) El Paso, Texas

1.) New York City, New York

Wow! We are number 2! Awesome news, El Paso. Stay safe!

Stats from: Home Alarm Report


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