This Is How Many Potholes the City of El Paso Has Fixed This Year
The City of El Paso Streets and Maintenance Department has filled more potholes this year than last year due to excess rain.
According to the City of El Paso Streets and Maintenance Department, crews have repaired 44,030 potholes, which are 16,559 more repairs than the 27,371 fixed in all of the previous fiscal year.
During this past summer crews have been working six days week to help eliminate potholes at a much faster pace thanks to a new system called the Lean Six Sigma principles which assigns smaller geographic areas and allows for repairs based on geographic locations saving time and providing a lesser turn around time.
If there is pothole you would like to report you can visit their website or call 3-1-1 and the city will take care of it in no more than a couple of weeks.