The Incredibles 2 Gets 1st Official Trailer
Oh my goodness! Did you catch the trailer for The Incredibles 2? The first Incredibles film is based on Superhero parents trying to balance parenting life and former superhero life while fighting the temptation to revisit their superhero past along with keeping their own romantic dynamic alive! That’s a lot to take in, I know! The concept seems to play a true-to-life story with the added super power fantasy component because isn’t that what parents are to us when we’re little anyway? Super heroes! While the sequel to The Incredibles is one of the most anticipated family movie releases, you’ll notice that the first official trailer isn’t breaktaking by any means. The trailer features the couple's newborn baby discovering that he has his own set of powers and that’s basically all the marketing team at Disney gave us! Check out the trailer below and notice Jack Jack’s amusement as his awareness of his own super powers and his father flipping out about knowing that his whole family is equipped with out of the ordinary skills! The film hits theaters June 15, 2018.
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