Texas Salons and Gyms Can Reopen In A Few Days – Bars To Stay Closed
For many, many, many long weeks so many Texans haven't been able to get their hair cut, their nails done, or go get their sweat on at the gym because of the coronavirus outbreak. Think of all the Instagram pics that have had to be mercilessly filtered and photoshopped because of all the influencers who couldn't get their glam on. Oh, the humanity. Well, rest easy fellow salon-goers because this afternoon, the Texas governor has heard your cries and felt the pain of your massive roots and nails in need of a fill.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott held a press conference Tuesday afternoon and said that he is allowing the state's barbershops and hair and tanning salons to reopen on Friday, May 8. Gyms can reopen on May 18. Of course, as with all of the reopenings after the coronavirus stay-at-home orders, these businesses will face certain restrictions in order to operate again:
1. Hair stylists - Stylists can only work with one customer at a time. There will be no more getting color on one person and doing a cut on another person.
2. Barber shops - There will be no more hanging around barber shops, chitchatting while you wait your turn for a cut. Customers will have to maintain 6-foot social distancing or they will have to wait outside. Remember to maintain social distancing outside as well, or in this summer heat, wait in your car.
3. Gyms - Gyms can only allow 25% of their occupancy in at a time, just like restaurants who have opened their seating areas. Worker-outers have to wear gloves and keep the six feet of social distancing. You can't take a shower or use the locker rooms for the time being and all equipment has to be disinfected after each use.
You know things are going to get crazy at your salon and gym, so be ready to make your appointments or wait to get in for a workout, but don't forget - this doesn't mean COVID-19 is gone or you don't have to worry about it anymore. It just means you'll have to be even more careful to make sure you use proper protection and social distancing to avoid getting sick or getting someone you love sick because you've been exposed.
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