Looking for a nice, REAL tree this year? You're in luck because here are some places around town to get real trees, and one tree that's not real, but you'll love it, too.
While the smell of pine is every bit as much of a part of Christmas as candy canes and your drunk Uncle Marvin, the majority of Americans will be opting for a tree of the fake plastic variety this year.
The Christmas season is right around the corner, and part of the fun of living in El Paso is getting to take part in the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in San Jacinto Plaza. The downtown plaza is currently being dressed in it's holiday finest with crews stringing lights and putting up the Christmas tree that all El Pasoans can share.
Christmas tree farms and stands across the country are already reporting that more Christmas trees are selling so far this holiday season than last year.
Yup that's me, Christmas is almost here...24 days to be exact! Is it just me or is the panic starting to set in? All of a sudden I realize that I haven't even bought my christmas cards yet...Yikes! Don't even get me started on presents.