I do morning radio so I’m all about the caffeine. When I get to work, my to-do list has two things on it: 1. Drink coffee, and 2. everything else. I would meet more people for coffee if I wasn’t someone who needs alcohol to socialize. But that’s a subject for another day.

If you are a java-loving Far East resident burnt out on Starbucks and like to coffee house-hop for new brews and flavors then it’s a brew-tiful day in your neighborhood.

Austin-based coffee chain Summer Moon Coffee has moved into El Paso, bringing its “Oak roasted coffee and Moon Milk” with it. No, that’s not a typo. But let’s put a pin on that for now. We’ll circle back to the Moon Milk in a couple of paragraphs.

The Central Texas roaster has set up shop in the former Moe’s Southwest Grill location on Joe Battle.

Summer Moon Coffee El Paso
Summer Moon Coffee El Paso

According to the company website, Summer Moon Coffee roasts its beans over a wood fire of Texas Oak in “handmade brick roasters,” which they say “results in a smooth, balanced coffee.” In addition to coffees served hot or cold, it also sells teas, hot chocolate, pastries, and a variety of “gluten free eats,” depending on the location.

So, what is Moon Milk? That’s what they call their “signature sweet cream.” Supposedly, allegedly they came up with the magical formula under a summer moon late one night while frolicking with rainbow-colored unicorns. Okay, not that last part. I just wanted to see if you were still reading this.

Wherever you prefer to get your bean on, may your coffee be as strong as your coworker’s cologne.

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