Relieve Old Memories With Vintage El Paso Footage From the Past
I love seeing El Paso back in the day; especially during times before I was born: I just love seeing what El Paso looked like before I can see it with my own eyes. Joanna wrote a very nice article on an old postcard of El Paso back in the 60s & it's amazing what kind of historical images you can find online.

I wanted to see FOOTAGE of El Paso from years back. Thanks to people uploading onto YouTube we can see & relive what El Paso (& Juarez) looked like many years ago from many different decades. Some people posted slideshows with historical photos (thankfully not all in black & white):
But if you want actual VIDEO of what El Paso looked like back then, some people even uploaded their own home videos, most of it being footage from the 50s or 60s. You can find even more amazing historical videos & photos of El Paso on the Facebook group "Remember In El Paso When..." . See if you can recognize any of the landmarks in these videos:
Another user uploaded footage their father's recordings of Downtown, Mesa Street & Ft Bliss:
Another gem in you can find on El Paso's history was footage of the old amusement park: Magic Landing (which ran in operation from 1984-1988). There was almost NO video of this place when it was opened, except for this 1987 footage of a family trip to Magic Landing.
And of course you can find footage from the 90s, like an old fashion show held at Cielo Vista Mall. Which after watching, you can DEFINITELY tell it was a showing of the times:
As an added bonus, someone even managed to make a video of an old WWF house show in Las Cruces in 1993, the same year I was born.
I definitely will say: after watching some of these videos, I couldn't help feeling quite nostalgic. But I'm glad I stumbled upon these gems of videos showing what El Paso looked like years ago. Maybe 30 years from now, what we capture on camera will be looked at with historical appreciation...
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