Can your relationship hold up to the test of time? "Smithsonian Magazine" dug up a 1924 issue of a magazine called "Science and Invention", and came across a four-item test which claimed to scientifically predict whether a marriage would succeed or fail. The four items are listed below. See if your marriage holds up to the 1920’s Love Test:


#1.) Are you deeply physically attracted? The article's author maintains that physical attraction is THE most important element for a marriage, so he'd test whether a couple got shortness of breath or a fast heartbeat when they looked at each other.

#2.) How sympathetic are you? In this test, each person would watch the other one go through something mildly traumatic, like giving blood. They would then be tested on whether they had strong physical reactions to seeing the other person in pain.

#3.) Can you deal with each other's body odor? The article's author stated that he believes more marriages are destroyed by bad body ordor than any other reason, (well it WAS the 1920's!), so in this test, each person was put in a tight, enclosed capsule, and a hose would pump the scent from the other person's capsule into their noses. If they could handle that, they were a good couple.

#4.) Do you balance each other out in stressful situations? For this test, the author would surprise the couple by firing a gun into the air. The purpose was to make sure one person had a more nervous reaction than the other, to show balance.

So do you have a deep physical attraction to each other, feel each other's pain, don't mind each other's smell, and do a good job balancing each other out under stress? Congratulations, you've passed the 1920s Love Test!

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