What Is Open and What Is Closed in El Paso on Presidents’ Day
Monday, February 19, 2018 is Presidents' Day, a federal holiday honoring past presidents of the USA. So do your children have to go to school? How about banks and post offices, will they be open or closed? What about the malls? Here's what is open and what is closed.
● El Paso ISD – NO classes
● Canutillo ISD – NO classes
● San Eli ISD – NO classes
● Clint ISD – NO classes
● Anthony – NO classes
● Gadsden ISD – NO classes
● Fabens ISD – NO classes
● Ysleta ISD – Classes WILL be held
● Socorro ISD – Classes WILL be held
Colleges & Universities
● UTEP – Classes WILL be held
● EPCC – Classes WILL be held
City, County, State, Federal Government:
● The El Paso County Courthouse as well as all county, state, and federal offices will be CLOSED.
● City Hall and all city run departments, and all city libraries will remain OPEN.
Parks & Rec
All city Sports Centers and Aquatic Centers, recreation centers, senior centers and daycare operations will be OPEN.
OPEN. The El Paso Zoo’s admission gate hours will not be affected.
Sun Metro:
Bus routes will not be affected; Sun Metro will be operating on a regular weekday schedule.
Banks and Postal Service:
Presidents’ Day is a U.S. Postal Holiday so the post office lobby will be closed and you won’t get any mail delivery either. And because the day is a federal holiday, it’s a bank holiday as well. It should be noted, however, that not all banks and credit unions observe Presidents' Day. Check with your bank to be sure.
Malls and retail stores will not be taking the day off, which means you can shop-till-you-drop and take advantage of savings on all kinds of holiday sales – because nothing is more American than discounted mattresses and electronics!
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