Please Help Stop Kitnappings in El Paso
As a proud cat woman, I want to do whatever I can to help spread awareness about kitnapping.
Kitnapping is when someone separates a litter of kittens from a mother cat in the wild. Usually, mother cats protect their kittens from a distance, which confuses some people who instead thought the babies were abandoned.
According to City of El Paso Animal Services, last year many El Paso residents were guilty of kitnapping.
This year, the Animal Services team has created a campaign to help #SavetheKittensEP
You can join them on reaching their goal of reducing the number of kittens entering the shelter and the number of kittens that died in 2019 by ten percent. In 2018 more than 10,000 kittens enter Animal Services and more than 1,300 of them died. We can't let this keep happening.
As always listen to Bob Barker and have your pets spayed or neutered. This will help reduce the population but if the population does continue to grow, please stop steal kittens.
You can join the fight to end Kitnapping by reaching out to Animal Services. There are multiple ways to save cats in our community and you can start by visiting elpasoanimalservices.org/resources/savethekittensep/
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