Peeping Tom Sought After Placing Hidden Camera in Cielo Vista Mall Public Restroom
El Paso CrimeStoppers is looking for a male suspect who left a peeping tom camera in a Cielo Vista Mall public restroom.
Unfortunately for the perpetrator, his camera was discovered. That same camera also shows the perpetrator setting up his crime, which means there are pictures of the suspect.
The suspect in this case appears to be a White male, light to medium complexion, thin build, with a beard and a sleeve type tattoo on his left arm. Anyone with information on the identity of this suspect should call Crime Stoppers of El Paso immediately at 566-8477 (TIPS), on-line at www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org or you can send a text message by entering the key word “CRIME1” (no space and include the quotation marks) plus your tip information, and text it to CRIMES (274637). You will remain anonymous and, if your tip leads to an arrest, you can qualify for a cash reward. -- CrimeStoppers Press Release
According to the press release, the suspect hid the camera on Saturday, April 22, pointing it at the toilets. The camera was discovered shortly after being placed, however. Since the camera was running during the its setup, the suspect can clearly be seen. However, an exact identity of the suspect is still being sought.
The placement of such cameras has been on the rise in recent years, according to CrimeStoppers, so the public should be on the lookout while using public restrooms.
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