Pay Your Property Taxes Today Or Pay Penalties And Interest Starting Tomorrow
If you haven’t paid your property taxes, you better pay them by 6 p.m. today or you’ll have to pay penalties and interest that begin racking up tomorrow.
Property taxes that are not paid in full today will be assessed a 7 percent penalty starting tomorrow.
That goes up to to 9 percent in March, 11 percent in April, 13 percent in May, and 15 percent in June.
Property taxes can be paid by phone by calling (915) 212-0106, but there will be a convenience fee added for using a credit card.
You can pay by mail with a check or money order as long as your payment is postmarked by today.
You can go to the City Tax Office on the third floor of the Wells Fargo building Downtown, but you’ll need to give yourself a lot of time because there are lines of other people wanting to pay their taxes.
If you don't want to go downtown, you can pay at branch or annex offices at 301 Manny Martinez Dr.; on the East Side at 2350 George Dieter Blvd.; in Northwest El Paso at 435 E. Vinton Road; in the Northeast at 4641 Cohen Ave.; at Fort Bliss' Welcome Center, Building 505; and in Ysleta at 9521 Socorro Road.
Click on the City's website for more information on paying your property taxes.