NMSU Trump Poop Head Sculpture Causes Laughter and Outrage
There are many Americans who think President Trump is a piece of work. Others, like the NMSU students who created the sculpture pictured above, think he’s more a piece of … well, you know.
The anti-Trump artwork, which came to our attention via an ABC-7 news report, depicts the president as a human poopy head, and is – as the TV station so cleverly put it – “creating quite the stink” on and off campus.
Comments on the Mike and Tricia Facebook page range from “how can they even allow something like this to be up?” to “a little over the line but expresses the feelings of many Americans.”
Well, if art is indeed supposed to make you feel something then mission accomplished.
According to ABC-7, the sculpture is the result of a ceramics class assignment five students turned into a political statement. It is currently on display at NMSU's Dan W. Williams Hall.
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