My Favorite Costumes From This Years Halloween Party!
Halloween is one of my favorite ‘Holidays’ but not for the creep factor. I like dressing up but for me, it’s always a hit or miss. In the past, I’ve dressed up as Dora The Explorer, Batman, a Walrus and some of my favorite group costumes include Christmas & Polygamy! I dressed up as an elf and the group included Mr. & Mrs. Claus, lots of reindeer, a snowman and a Christmas tree! My other favorite was when the group of friends dressed up as ‘Polygamy’! The girls wore sister-wives inspired costumes and the boys dressed up like in long beards and short shorts with pitchforks and top hats. The party we were at thought we were protesting and ended up giving us a cash prize when they realized the sarcasm in our choice.
Some of my favorites this year's gig include an Oompa Loompa, Poison Ivy, a couples’ Peanut Butter & Jelly Costume and Donald Duck. Check out the reel below for some of my favorite costumes that I saw this year.
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