Mother-Son Dance Makes its way to the 915
Get your little man ready to enjoy a day of JURASSIC proportions interaction along with NEON dance off! Super excitement by dressing up in upbeat NEON colors and put your favorite prehistoric shirt and ROAR tons of LOVE to your loved one!!! Let us not forget there is also a Father Daughter dance with your little princess taking the your and be the first gentleman in her life!
This idea comes after the success of last year's Mother & Son Superhero AND Father & Daughter Princess Valentine Dance according to Teresa Ortiz, organizer of this event! Both dances are to put something that we lose sometimes with our little ones which is TIME!
Trying to provide a roof over their heads, get them a GREAT education, and do all you can do to raise good human beings is rough and tough and YOU all deserve a little time in a different setting, that under music where you can enjoy and have that BONDing that you so deserve!
Both dances will have appetizers and refreshments!
Tickets can be purchased through at the hotel or by calling Teresa at (915) 204-7286. Hosted at the Radisson Hotel El Paso Airport.
- -The Mother & Son starts at 12 p.m.-2 p.m., Saturday March 16th
- -The Father & Daughter Princess Dance starts at 5 p.m.-7 p.m., Saturday March 16th
It's all about love and all about family, so show your love with that special person who helped in shaping you or at least setting the foundation whom you are today!
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