Mosquitoes are back this summer, here are some tips on how to avoid them.

The City of El Paso Public Health Department suggests practicing a few proactive steps to avoid mosquitoes this summer.

  • DEET - Use insect DEET repellents
  • DRESS - Wear long sleeves, long pants, and socks if possible when outdoors.
  • DUSK / DAWN – Avoid peak mosquito biting hours (from dusk to dawn)
  • DRAIN – Drain standing water from your yards or inside your homes including flowerpots, gutters, pool covers, pet water dishes, birdbaths and any standing water in general.

With the last couple of rainfalls in El Paso, I have been bitten by mosquitoes over and over again that I finally decided to look into a natural mosquito repellent and a bug zapper for my home.

After some light online search, I found that tea tree oil and high-quality coconut oil keeps the pesky critters at bay. I mix about 10 drops of tea tree oil and 20 drops of coconut oil and then apply before I head outdoors, and it smells like summer too. There are all kinds of natural combinations of mosquito repellents, check out more at


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