Miranda Lambert Mentions El Paso’s Amazing Sunsets in Latest Song
Last night, Miranda Lambert performed her latest song, "In His Arms" on the American Country Music Awards. This country queen is going back to her real deep country roots by spending time out in Marfa, Texas with an acoustic guitar and good friends to create her next album, The Marfa Tapes.
While we may not play her songs on our radio stations, any artist who can appreciate an El Paso sunset and admits to "getting lost in Juarez" is someone we all can appreciate.
The opening line to "In His Arms" says, " I've seen El Paso when the sky was on fire, lost a night in Juarez a couple of times."
Obviously, anyone who has been in El Paso, Texas during a sunset knows just how beautiful they are. Sometimes you get purples, pinks, and yellows but when you get that firey sky, you feel reborn. Just look at this photo Duke Keith took and try not to feel some type of way.
I feel Miranda feels the same way about El Paso sunsets, if it has stuck with her so emotionally, she added the imagery to her song.
If you ever want to drink an El Paso sunset, feel free to order this drink.
And this isn't the first time Miranda mentions loving some time in Juarez. Her other song, "Tequila Does" mentions it within the first line as well.
It is safe to say Miranda loves Texas and sure knows where to have a good time when she comes to El Paso. She also knows where to stop for a great meal, since she has been spotted at L&J cafe back in 2018.
Special guest Miranda Lambert stopped by for breakfast today. Pictured with HR Manager Irma Baca and Reservations Coordinator Laura Tovar-Salazar. It was a pleasure having you by. Have a safe trip home!
Posted by L & J Cafe on Tuesday, September 11, 2018