The El Paso Chihuahuas have been breaking records in their first season at Southwest University Park. Their average attendance of more than 8500 per game leads the Pacific Coast League. Only one other minor league team, Triple-A Charlotte, is averaging more fans per game. The Chihuahuas have aleady brought more than 118,000 fans to the new downtown ballpark in just 14 games. The ballpark and the team have caught the eye of a Minor League blogger who says the El Paso Chihuahuas and their fans are the biggest story of the year in the Minor Leagues.

El Paso Chihuahuas
courtsey: Darren Hunt

Benjamin Hill writes about the Minor Leagues and their teams for a widely read blog. He came to the SUP to check out the Chihuahuas second day of play a couple of weeks ago. He talked about the controversy surrounding the ballpark, and marveled at the number of people who showed up for the second day.

Yesterday, he wrote another blog about the Chihuahuas. He included pictures from all over the ballpark, photos of fans lining up to get in, the views of the mountains and El Paso and Juarez, and even the star on the mountain. Hill even talked about Buzz from the Q getting heck on the air because he wore a Chihuahuas cap even though he was a huge naysayer about the team and ballpark!

Hill says he wouldn't be surprised if the team draws 600,000 to the downtown ballpark this year. With all the sellouts already this season, it's clear El Paso is embracing the Chihuahuas. It's great to see an out-of-towner doing the same! Check out his latest blog about El Paso's team, and GO CHIHUAHUAS!

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