Licon Dairy Still Bringing Smiles to El Pasoans Faces
After the horrible incident involving stray dogs slaughtering multiple animal belonging to the Licon Dairy, the famous petting zoo and dairy are still thriving. A perfect place to take the children during spring break, the Licon Diary still has tons of animals to pet and admire as you walk through the petting zoo.
Licon Diary 2019
My godson from California spent Spring Break with my family and we decided to go see the changes made to the dairy. The beloved swan is gone but ducks are still happily swimming around. Donkeys are still there waiting to greet happy guests. The cheese is still delicious so make sure you grab some of that, along with greeting the crazy goats.
Those goats are always so happy to greet people and one even sneezed on me and it was gross. Even thought they are so nice that was really rude to spray that goat snot on my cheek. It possibly did get on my nephew but that can be his gift to take back to California.
Make sure you head out to Licon Diary at 11951 Glorietta Rd, San Elizario, TX anytime you are are looking to pet some animals and have some amazing cheese!
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