A massive fire in Juarez was so intense that the smoke created its own clouds and was even visible on radar and satellite.

On Saturday, a billowy black cloud could be seen for miles as an intense fire burned due to an explosion at a maquiladora in Juarez.

It's not unusual to see fires burning across the border, but Saturday's fire was different from all the others as it burned intensely, sending dark clouds up to the sky.

According to El Diario, at around 1 p.m., an explosion occurred in a warehouse of the BRP maquiladora, which makes all-terrain vehicles off Santiago Troncoso Avenue and Independencia Boulevard in Ciudad Juarez.

The ominous dark plume of smoke was visible from all over El Paso, especially from the downtown and south-central areas of town. The El Paso Fire Department even sent a message via Twitter because many people wondered if the fire was happening in El Paso.

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The El Paso Fire Department reported no active fires and that the fire was taking place in Juarez, saying:

Reports of smoke in the East are a warehouse fire in Ciudad Juarez. No active fires in El Paso.


The fire was so severe and enormous that the smoke coming off the fire created clouds so immense that The National Weather Service took to Twitter to show how the fire was visible on radar and satellite, saying:

Science Saturday: Sometimes smoke can be so intense it can actually create clouds of its own. Check out these pyrocumulus clouds developing off a fire east of Juarez. This smoke is also visible on radar and satellite! #nmwx #txwx

According to authorities, it took 200 Juarez firefighters to get the fire under control which took about four hours. Thankfully the factory, which employs over 2,000 employees, was able to evacuate everyone safely, and no injuries were reported.

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