It’s Never Too Early To Think About Halloween Safety Tips
It's never too early to think about Halloween safety tips if you've got little beasties who want to go out trick-or-treating. Over the years I put together my own list of things that I always made sure I did before I headed out for some Halloween fun with my kids and now my grandkids. There are some that you might already do, but I hope there are some new ones that might help make your Halloween trick-or-treating a little safer and more fun:
1. All adults carry a flashlight - You never know when you're going to hit a patch of dark sidewalk or street, so if every adult who is with your group carries a flashlight, you'll be good to go. If you don't want to carry a flashlight, you can always use the one on your cell phone. Speaking of cell phones...
2. Charge your phone - You'll want to take pictures and videos, you'll probably need the flashlight at some point, and if there is an emergency, you don't want to look down and see you have no battery life left.
3. Use reflective tape - If your beastie is carrying a paper bag or a plastic pumpkin for their loot, decorate it with reflective tape. It will look super cool in your 'Gram shots, but it will also make your kiddo more visible.
4. Don't be a drag - Or rather, don't let your kid's costume drag. Let the run around the house in their full costume before the big day so you can see if there is anything that needs to be secured or maybe shortened to keep them from getting hurt.
Happy Halloween!