Here’s Where You Can Meet ‘The Grinch’ at 3 Spots In El Paso
Over the years a lot of us have enjoyed watching the movie The Grinch whenever it is scheduled to come on. If you and your kids enjoy watching Grinch, you can actually meet Grinch in a couple of weeks.
Despite how mean Grinch comes off he is still loved by many especially the kids. El Paso, get your kids ready to have some fun with Grinch personally next month.

Dr. Seuss' The Grinch will be live at select libraries next month for December. You know what that means right? You and your kids can be able to meet and hang out with Grinch at one of the selected El Paso Public libraries.
The Grinch will be making a few appearances at some public libraries starting next month. The Grinch plans on visiting three El Paso Public libraries starting on December 14.
Then the final day to meet up with Grinch will be on December 17 at Richard Burges Library at 4:30 pm. So if you and your kids love Grinch, then make sure you pencil in some time to visit with Grinch at one of the El Paso libraries next month.
The Grinch will be looking forward to seeing all your faces next month at one of the three libraries. So if you need some assistance getting back into the Christmas spirit make sure to pay Grinch a visit.
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