Help Monika Raise Money For Big Brothers And Big Sisters of El Paso & Get Your Donation Matched
During El Paso Giving Day your donation will be matched to help Monika with her fundraising goal for Big Brothers Big Sister of El Paso.
I’ll be part of Dance For Kids’ Sake benefitting Big Brothers and Big Sisters of El Paso and I need your help to reach my fundraising goal of $3000!
My dance partner Edward Gallardo III and I will performing a Grease Mashup performance and have been practicing and getting ready to dance on stage at the Plaza Theatre for Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso’s Annual Dance For Kids’ Sake and I need your help to hit my $3000 personal fundraising goal. These fundraising efforts will help the 200+ at-risk children on the Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso’s waiting list who need and want a mentor. Simple friendship with a mentor is proven to help kids stay in school, off drugs, and away from the wrong crowd, dealing with bullying, depression, and harassment while boosting their self-esteem.
During El Paso Giving Day beginning at midnight on November 7, 2019, through 10 a.m. donations made will be matched.
To make a donation CLICK HERE
I invite you to Dance For Kids’ Sake on Saturday, November 9, 2019, and thank you so much in advance for your support.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso is a local non-profit organization that works to pair a child with an older “brother or sister” as a mentorship program to help children in at-risk homes or those that simply need an extra one. Learn more at and