George Lopez Movie Looking To Cast Extras In The El Paso/Las Cruces Area
George Lopez and Edward James Olmos are making a movie in the Las Cruces/Artesia area and the film company is looking for background actors.
The movie is called Walking with Herb, and it will be shooting from mid September to mid October. The story is about a man struggling with his faith after his three-year-old and her father die. One day at his job as a bank executive a voice speaks to him through his computer monitor. The voice claims to be God and it leads him to a tattoo-covered man named Herb.
If you’re interested in trying out for the film, you need to create a profile at, or send an email to You’ll need to include your contact information, height, weight, a full-length current color photograph and another head-and-shoulders photo.
The casting company says they don’t want you to be wearing hats or sunglasses or have anything obstructing your face. They also don’t want selfies and the photo must be clear, recent, and in focus to be considered.