Former KVIA Meteorologist Jorge Torres Talks Albuquerque Crime In A Heartbreaking Facebook Post
Mike and Tricia Mornings listeners will remember Jorge Torres from his days at KVIA and doing weather for the morning show. He was so much fun to talk to when the weather would get rough and he really made a name for himself here in El Paso. He moved to Albuquerque a few years ago to do weather at KOB in Albuquerque where he has been doing well, but a heartbreaking video he posted this weekend shows not all is well in his new city.
KOB is the station that recently made news when their news van was stolen during a story about crime in the downtown area of Albuquerque. The downtown ABQ area was even in danger of losing a high tech start-up because of the crime in the area.
But all the statistics in the world don't tell the story of crime in Albuquerque like the video of our friend, Jorge. To see the worry and sadness on his face was really shocking. We can only hope that things get better and that Albuquerque officials figure out a way to put an end to the crime in their city.