Father’s Day Photos: Celebrate Dad by Sharing a Photo With Us
93.1 KISSFM, 95.5 KLAQ and TFCU want to honor your Dad on Father's Day by sharing your love for him. Not only do we want to highlight the man who has helped give you life, but we also want you to help him win a prize package.
All you need to do is send us a photo of your father and tell us why he is the #1 Dad in El Paso, ONLY through our free 93.1 KISSFM app. Since everyone always says they have the #1 Dad, it is time to finally tell us why. No mug or tie will do, only this exclusive prize package from your friends at Townsquare Media El Paso.
The Grand Prize will include:
· A watch courtesy of Johnson Jewelers
· 3 Gift Baskets of Kettle Corn courtesy of El Paso Kettle Corn
· Catering for up to 10 ppl courtesy of Tacotote
Here is how you enter:
First, download the free 93.1 KISSFM app:

Once you do, tap the top left menu icon. You will then see the option to submit media
You then fill out the form and attach the photo of your Dad. Tap submit and you will have officially submitted your Dad for our Father's Day photo gallery.
It is really that easy and so are the rules. You must be 18 and older to submit a photo, only one entry per Dad and app. This contest will run until June 19th until 6 a.m. Winner will be randomly chosen from all 95.5 KLAQ and 93.1 KISSFM app entries.
We have teamed up with some of your favorite brands to help create this prize package like Taco Tote, Johnson Jewelers, and El Paso Kettle Corn. We are hoping to bring a smile to your Dad's face so help us to it with this awesome Father's Day promotion!
Submitted by Erika Sagaribay
My husband is a great daddy to our kids. Despite working long hours, he always makes sure to come home and be present with our kids. He does such an amazing job because he becomes a kid himself. Anything that interests our kids, my his mas makes sure to enjoy it too.
Erika SagaribayErika Sagaribay Submitted by Janika Spence
My dad is #1 to me because he is always there for me and gives a helping hand to any who asks! He also is #1 to me because he is the only one in my family who is into heavy metal and will always accompany me to a concert. I would not trade my concert buddy for anyone else in the world!
Submitted by Estella metz
Submitted by Anabel Gonzalez
Best father! This is my husband father to my little ones. I believe he is the best father based on the fact he puts his kids before anything in this world to give them everything and anything to ensure they can live possibly the best life they can. Ex. I was driving a older model car in great condition he had his dream truck 2019 f250 kids where getting bigger car getting smaller and without a hesitation he went during his lunch traded in his truck called me and said I got you and the kids and a new suv to ensure you guys where safe and comfortable and he kept the car, I know he misses his truck but like he says it’s just a truck as long as you guys are safe and comfortable. Another example my 6 yr old loves baseball and is a huge Yankees fan and he told my husband I want a batting net to practice like they do- dad ends up going out and starts building. To sum up it doesn’t matter what obstacles or wishes are thrown his way, he will make sure he makes them come true no matter what it takes just to see his kids laugh,smile and be happy. He always tells me I want to give them what I couldn’t get at their age, it’s not that he was poor he just knew coming from a single mom with three little brothers things where tough. This father will stop at nothing to ensure true happiness for his kids.
Submitted by Celeste Phillips
My lovely father! :)
Celeste PhillipsCeleste Phillips Submitted by Ariella Casillas
My Dad is a perfect example of what a hero is. He was an El Paso Firefighter for 25 years. Not only did he raise three kids, but he has taken myself and my kiddos into his home unexpectedly. For reasons we will leave for another story. He has always been here for us. He doesn’t wear a cape, but he is our hero!
Submitted by Alyssa Ellis
I am nominating my husband James because sadly my father went home to our Lord 4 years ago. My husband James and I have 5 children together. 3 are biologically his children. (He would be upset if he knew I said that). My husband has been my two older boys father since they were 2 & 4 years old. That was 12 years ago. Without hesitation he became their father a few months after we met. My boy’s biological father is not involved in their lives in any way. My husband has given himself so unselfishly to my children. My oldest was in remission for 2 years at that time and my husband had attended every single appointment even when we had to fly out to Memphis, TN for my son’s 3 month follow up evaluations. He has been one of not only my son’s main sources of comfort, but mine as well as I struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for many years. For years now he has taken my older boys to their appointments alone when I couldn’t be there or because it was too emotionally overwhelm for me. My husband helped me care for my father the last few months of his life which was very agonizing to see. He has been my rock since I met him. I have suffered many mishaps in my life and my husband has always been there to pick me and our children up. He is not only our family’s provider, but he is our encourager and biggest supporter. He does everything for our children just as we mothers do. He is a loving and giving father. As a follower of Christ, he is leading our home to be more Christ like. He reminds me a lot of my father- this is why I chose him as my husband. We are truly blessed that God allowed my husband to come into our lives to show me and my children how we are supposed to be loved and cared for.
Alyssa EllisAlyssa Ellis Submitted by Azul Vasavilbazo
There’s no one like him. The best father on earth, and not only to me, but to any other of the aggregated sons and daughters that encounter his love and devotion and always laughter and happiness for all of us , his kids and beyond!!
Submitted Azusena Huizar
Abraham Islas, is the #1 Dad in El Paso, Texas because he brightens the world of his two kids. He shows how much he loves them by being unselfish with his time and patience. His dedication and commitment to his children is evident by his kind words when a teenager’s heart has been broken and needs reassurance that life is hard but that being positive will get you to great places. Or when the time to be strong comes and not be afraid to try new things because life is full of opportunities that make you happy and help you grow. He teaches his children to respect one another and love God by doing what is right.
Submitted by Erika Barraza
The reason why my husband is the #1 dad; is because even though we were young kids when we had our first child he always has been a great father. To see him with our kids is the best view for me. He does the impossible for his kids and never gives up. Everything he does he does for his kids. His kids are his motivation and inspiration. He does it for his kids to have a better opportunity and do better than us.
Submitted by Wendy Mireles
My dad is number one cause he's always been there for us life hasn't been the best but he's always there with a strong face ready to face what's in front of us i wish I could give my dad the world
Submitted By Crystal Odendhal
Feeding the baby for the 1st time, coming home from the nicu
Submitted by Jackie Walker
Best Dad in El Paso❤
Submitted by Yvonne Guzman
Father's Day
Submitted by Priscilla
My dad and his one and only grandson Tyler! My dad has been my big guest support with my son I’d like to give him recognition!
Submitted by Stephanie
My husband is truly the best dad to my children. He is such a hard worker and thoughtful. He consistently puts us first. We are all extremely lucky to have him in our lives
Submitted by Priscilla Munoz
My father is the best. He let's me do whatever I want to him!!!He is the best father and grandfather. He will do anything for his family. No matter what he is always there for his family.
Submitted By Ashley Gray-Duncan
My dad, the selfless, loveable leader.
Submitted by Claudia Hurtado
My father is #1 to me because he is always there for me and my kids. Dad has shown me what it means to push through and be resilient. Despite any hardships he may have faced, his priority has always been our well-being above his, so he makes sure he is in the best condition to be able to do so. My dad will always do anything out of his way to help us through a rough time especially right now that I lost my job because of the pandemic.
Submitted by Marina Y Soto
This is my dad, Miguel A. Soto he is 54. I know a lot of people say that they have the best dad but I feel I got one of the best ones. He has always supported my sister and I in any endeavors we wanted to do. He was always there through my school years for extracurricular activities, he even became a band booster when I started high school and five years later he didn’t again for my little sister. One of the best memories I have is him taking me out of school to take me to to a Kiss and Aerosmith concert. Then again a few years later to go see ZZ Top. Even now as an adult no matter when, where , or why he is always there for me and my sister. A year and half ago when I had my son he became the best grandpa to him. He will volunteer in a heart beat to watch him, even when he was just a couple of months old. My dad always gets so excited to see my son and will do things my little boy enjoys. They are truly partners in crime. A little over a month ago he had to have a triple bypass. It was difficult on all of us because we didn’t know if we were going to lose him, but he made it with flying colors. Once the surgery was over the hard part began. We where not allowed to go see him while at the hospital. My mother wasn’t even allowed to spend one night with him.Even though he is the one who had the surgery he never stopped making sure that my mom, sister and I where okay. He would video call me almost every day and made sure we were all fine And that I was taking care of my mom ( she suffers from depression). I am happy to say that he is finally home recovering and is doing great! Even though he is still recovering and can’t do much he still makes sure that everyone is fine and will help with what ever he can. Even though it’s hard for him to move he still finds ways to play with my son and get into mischief with him. No matter what life throws at him he always pushes through. He is our rock and the best dad I could have ever have.
Submitted by Omero Gallardo
Father's day pic!
Submitted by Rosa Mendiola
father day photo
Submitted by Alberto Avalos
Submitted by Jewell Torres
Submitted by Melissa Loaisiga
You’d never guess that this man grew up without a father himself, as he is the best father our kids could ask for. He works hard every day to provide them with the life he never had growing up and loves his kids with all his heart. He shows them how to be brave, how to laugh, and most of all how to have fun. He deserves this more than any other father I know.
Submitted by Reba Shiel
Best Father in El Paso has to be my son JOSHUA SHIEL. When I see him being a daddy with my grands Isabell & Juliet, well I feel like his dad & I must have done something right ... he is really an amazing guy and a super dad.
Submitted by Kimberly Boyer
My husband Robert is a wonderful new father. He is strong and very kind and caring father. We love you Dad!
Submitted by Juan Macias
I want to enter my dad as an outside chance favorite. My dad is not the greatest, according to some that grew up with him, and even though all his children turned out good, a couple better than some of us. If we didn't turn out as good, it was not because he didn't push us to be better, it was because a couple of us were too lazy to pursue better things. My dad has always been there for me, and Whomever else that would listen to him. To me my dad is the greatest, and would like for him to have these gifts.
Submitted by Ashley Perea-Neal
I’m entering my papa because although he is my grandfather, he also took the place of my dad when my dad passed away. He has always been there for my sister and myself. He would give us the shirt off his back if we needed one. He is selfless, compassionate, caring, and thoughtful. He loves fearlessly and cares for EVERYONE in his life. He’s the best dad anyone could ever ask for.
Submitted by Jahan
I love my dad because he Has done so much for my family and he owns station 54 witch is a up and He always makes me feel happy and I woulded trade him for the world
Submitted by Jane Weatherly
Mark Weatherly has been “Dadding” for over 27 years and has had to share his space with everyone during COVID-19 while he works from home as do his wife and two adult kids and 4 dogs with nowhere to escape to. He’s a trooper and a great Dad.
Submitted Karla Veloz
My husband is the best father to our little girls because he has a big heart and will do anything for them, even if it means playing hair salon or having a tea party with their stuffed animals to join!
Submitted by Ashley Lopez
My dad who is a health care professional here, for over 30 years, and is one of the best dialysis nurses at Del Sol Medical Center. He wakes up every day at 4 pm and is patients are lucky to call him their nurse. Coming home after a long shift, still makes time to hang out with my sisters and I, what we love to do the most with our dad is going to a baseball game, he raised us to love the sport of baseball, and it’s always a good time when we go to a Chihuahuas Baseball game with him.
Submitted by Jessica Underwood
My dad Bobby has been in my life since I was 2 (he’s technically my stepdad but I don’t see him that way). He came into a prestarted family and raised me as his own. I along with two other siblings have the privilege to call him dad. He is warm, kind understanding, and most hilarious! His random acts of dancing are a thing of gold! Once we were grown my dad became the first responder so he could help others in their time of need. He has a heart of gold and a personality like no other! I am blessed to call him Dad!
Submitted by Heather Monreal
Up the Irons Dad
Submitted by Frank Mendoza
My dad is #1 because he has my back 100%. He's done so much for me throughout my life
Submitted by Aiza
My father is not in my life, but the father of my kids is. He's an amazing dad to our two kids, he will do anything and everything to see them succeed in life. I pray that God keeps him safe for so many years to see his children grow. I don't have to do this but I want to so he knows that I appreciate him being a responsible and loving father to our son and daughter.
Submitted by David Hensley
Submitted by Linda Delariva
I am thankful for my dad he has always supported my mom, and my brothers and sisters. He is a loving father and we love him so much. I wouldn't change him for anyone else and he is my role model and helps you whenever we need him he will be there for us. We Love you Dad!!!!
Submitted by Mikeal Deharo
My dad is the best dad in El Paso because he met my mom when my brother and I were kids and made her happy. He raised us with the knowledge of a good work ethic and excellent character values. I would not change or trade anything for him and am eternally grateful for having him in my life.
Submitted by Hunter Sanchez
A photo of my Dad :^) My Dad is the best because he is super cool, super smart, & super loving. My Dad is the BEST because he is MY Dad - that's all that counts - and I couldn't ask for better Submitted by Eduardo Poblano
Enter for father's day contest
Submitted by Anny Winter
Father's day giveaway
Submitted by Carmen Saldana
Submitted by Emerald Folmar
This is my adoptive father Bruce Folmar. When he was younger he was in the army, and later got out and became a math teacher. He also had a strong presence in the Boy Scouts of America, first in troop 222 and later in troop 345. In my life he has helped me in school and saw me graduate in December with my associates, and with my high school diploma this month. He is a role model for me in the way he handels money, treats everyone with respect, and truly cares for my siblings and I. Our best gift to him was a dog named Red. He takes her on walks every morning, takes her grocery shopping, and they go together everywhere in the house.
Submitted by Cindy
This is my adoptive father Bruce Folmar. When he was younger he was in the army, and later got out and became a math teacher. He also had a strong presence in the Boy Scouts of America, first in troop 222 and later in troop 345. In my life he has helped me in school and saw me graduate in December with my associates, and with my high school diploma this month. He is a role model for me in the way he handels money, treats everyone with respect, and truly cares for my siblings and I. Our best gift to him was a dog named Red. He takes her on walks every morning, takes her grocery shopping, and they go together everywhere in the house.
Submitted Julian Saucedo
Dad having some much needed El Paso time with family.
Submitted by Sceley Thompson
I have always remembered my dad as this big giant. Standing at 6’5”, I remember that I could only hold his one index finger vs his hand. He has recently finished his chemo and radiation treatment in hopes that the cancer is gone. Growing up my friends always said my dad was cool, however I remember him being very strict. Maybe it was his military career. I am grateful for having another Father’s Day to celebrate his positive impact on my life and who the person I have become. I love you dad!
Submitted by Michael Hensley
Photo of Dad.
Submitted by Noreen Murillo
This is my dad. He is a truck driver who works extremely long hours to continue to provide for his kids even though we’re all grown and have our own families. He always makes sure we’re taken care of as well as his 11 grandchildren. His grandchildren are his pride and joy. He goes to their games (if he’s in town) he never misses their birthday parties. He asks for pictures of them while he’s on the road and he brings them back presents when he comes home. With COVID, it has been difficult because we haven’t been able to see him but he makes sure to call or text to make sure we’re going ok. He is absolutely the best dad. Submitted by Nancy Rangel
Me and my Dad . Love him deeply . He is my best friend
Submitted by Perla
My dad is the best dad because he gives everything for his family we came to this country because he want it us to have a better opportunity to grow and study and he made it with his hard work right now he’s 68 and he’s still the sweetest dad and grandfather on earth , besides everything he still plays with us and our kids I love him so much he deserves everything and I really hope he wins this gift
Submitted by Lorraine Chacon
This man works 12 hours a day 6 days a week. He does this to provide for his 3 children and helps them attend college. He shows his children how much he loves his wife by supporting and taking care of her daily as she is disabled. His clothes have holes because 1 single item bought for himself is 1 item his kids don't have. He protects and provides while sleeping 4 hours a day so that he can spend time with his family. He helps to take care of his elderly parents as to show them compassion. Submitted by Samantha
Father’s Day Submitted by Adriana Navarro
My dad is the # 1 Dad because his always there for me and my kids.In no matter what the situation is good or bad. I love him so much he does alot for us to keep us happy. 4 years ago my dad got really sick he was in ICU he wasn't going to make it but with Faith of God his still here with us. So that's why his my # 1 Dad in El Paso.
Submitted by Lauren Aguilar
Dad and me! He is my favorite guy! So generous and loving! Will do anything he can to make someone feel better! Submitted by Helen A Zavala
This is my dad, he is unlike any other dad. Since the day I was born I knew I could count on my dad; he has always been there to love and support me. From coaching my little league teams to help mend my broken heart my dad has always been there to comfort me. My dad always sacrificed and strived for more for my little sister and I, he would teach on the weekdays and paint houses on the weekends to help provide for his family. As a mother of 3 I now see a deeper love my father has for being a grandpa, you can see pure joy he gets when his grandkids call for him. One of the greatest gifts my dad gave me was loving my mother, as a married woman I see some of my father in my husband. I know no matter my age, no matter the distance, I will always be his little girl and he will always be the same hero that I looked up to.
Submitted by Savannah Hernandez
My father is a retired firefighter. Growing up, I was a daddy’s girl and took pride in my father profession. I played with fire truck toys and when the real fire trucks visited us at school, I made sure to let everyone know my father was a firefighter. My father did everything he could to give me a good life. When I wanted to play soccer but could not find a team, he learned how to coach soccer. I am about to be a senior in college and I play on the women’s soccer team. I love my father and am the person I am today thanks to him.
Submitted by Sylvia Segura
I would like to nominate my son-in-law David Matamoros as father of the year. He has shown nothing but love for his children who are special needs children He has a little girl and a little boy that are autistic. He is a hard worker and a great father and a great husband to my daughter. He works hard at CVS as a pharmacy technician and still finds time to come home and play with his kids and his dogs.
Submitted by Ruenna Valdez
Fathers Day Contest
Submitted by Diana Valadez
I am nominating my husband, my best friend, the amazing father to our 2 beautiful kids. God knows why people are put in our lives and I thank him for putting this man in ours. He is an amazing man and father, so humble yet so strong. He is definitely the best father to our beautiful kids. He laughs, he plays, he cuddles and he ADORES his kids!! Thank you mi biscochito not just on Father’s Day, but everyday for protecting, providing, and most importantly for all the love you give our 2 little monkeys!!!! We love you!!! ❤️
Submitted by Grecia Medina
To know our dad is to understand three things: dedication, compassion, and ingenuity. He is the handyman, the persevering hard worker, and the understanding guide in our lives. He taught us to explore, to be kind, and to be strong. He never let us give up, he told us to always go for our goals and supported us no matter where life took us. When we’re down in the slumps, he’s there with a shovel not just to help dig us out but to teach us how to get back on our feet. We’re proud to have him as our dad, for having a father who has supported and loved us throughout our lives and is the glue of our family. We love our dad with everything that we have and we know that he feels the same. He is the best dad in the world because he knows our hearts, he motivates our futures, and we can always count on him for a trusty dad joke. Submitted by Rocio Fernandez
This man is the definition of “The Best Dad”. He is so selfless and loving. Always putting his children first and pushing to be great example for his 2 kids. He helps with homework and bath time. Doesn’t fight to change diapers and always looking for ways to spend quality time with them even after long hours at work. Growing up without an example of a father did not hinder in him being the perfect father figure for his kids. He is simply The Best Dad.
Submitted by Elizabeth Quintana
Just me and my daddy
Submitted by Victoria for Arturo Sanchez
I think my dad is the best dad because he's hard-working, he's kind, funny, he's brave and he stands for what he believes in. That's why I think my dad is the best. Submitted by Linda Delariva
I am thankful for my dad he has always supported my mom, and my brothers and sisters. He is a loving father and we love him so much. I wouldn't change him for anyone else and he is my role model and helps you whenever we need him he will be there for us. We Love you Dad! Submitted by Lesli Borjon
My dad is the #1 dad because even though he is a disabled veteran, he still manages to make us happy by doing what he can whether it is teaching us to drive, or teaching us to ride a bike, or simply giving us life advice. With his recent back surgery, he still made sure he recovered quickly so he could put up a pool and a trampoline for our happiness. He still tries to help around as much as he can and he makes sure the house is well taken care of. Even on his bad days he keeps a postive attitude for everyone else.
Submitted by Aaron Hernandez
My dad is an amazing person, he has worked so hard to become who he is, went to school, went out of town for work for a better job, my dad is my hero and I will always be there to honor and love him no matter what
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