EPPD’s Warning to Those Partying in El Paso During Spring Break
Spring Break is happening and that means more people with free time to do crazy things. I was never one to leave out of town to party during my college years. Yeah, I know I am a total loser. I instead lived through all those Spring Break movies like 'Neighbors' or something with Kevin Hart and other comedians in it. Either way, staying in town and partying for Spring Break can be just as fun and crazy as it is in the movies.
As this new generation of "Tide Pod eaters" prepare to party, the El Paso Police Department has a warning for those who might get TOO crazy and attempt to drink and drive during Spring Break. They took to Twitter, through TxDOT to send a special message for those who might be willing to test the police department.
Trust me, it is not fun to put other people in danger just because you think you are tough enough to handle drinking and driving. Don't be stupid. Don't kill someone or yourself just because you think you can handle your liquor. Please El Pasoans, don't drink and drive. Don't take substances you know you shouldn't be doing. Just don't be stupid.