EPISD Students Can Get Pfizer Vaccine On Campus Next Week
Almost half of all eligible El Pasoans have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. That doesn't include kids ages 12 to 15 years old. 16 year olds have just recently been given the green light to get the Pfizer vaccine but this week, the word came down from the U. S. Food and Drug Administration that they will allow emergency use authorization to use the vaccine on kids in the 12 - 17 age group.
In order for school in the fall to go back to normal, school districts all over the country are working on getting kids vaccinated before the end of this school year. The El Paso Independent School District will be doing the same thing by offering free vaccines at their district's high schools. Beginning next week, kids ages 12 and over can get the Pfizer vaccine at these locations:
VACCINATION LOCATIONS from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.:
May 17 at El Paso High & CCTA at El Paso High
May 18 TMECHS & Chapin at Chapin
May 19 at Irvin
May 20 at Austin
May 21 at Burges
May 24 at Andress
May 25 at Franklin
May 26 at Coronado
May 27 at Jeff/Silva
May 28 at Bowie
You can sign your child up to get their vaccine by clicking here. Vaccines will be available for eligible students and their families, as well as faculty and staff. It's looking more and more like federal, state, and local officials will want kids to be in classrooms come fall and less and less likely that there will be a remote learning option. The best thing to do is to get your family and your kids vaccinated so the school year can start off hassle free and protected for everyone.
If you need more information on the Pfizer vaccine program at the El Paso Independent School District, call them at 915-230-2000 or click here.
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