El Paso’s Gene Roddenberry Planetarium Hints at Return of Public Shows
Good news lovers of planetariums and space exploration; the Gene Roddenberry Planetarium is preparing to reopen to the public.
After being closed for the last couple of years due to both the pandemic and its relocation to its new home in Northeast, the El Paso Independent School District restarted school field trips earlier this year and recently hinted that the return of public programming is imminent.

Planetarium’s New Location
As a result of the 2016 EPISD Bond modernization plan resulting in the consolidation of Dowell, Schuster and Crosby schools to the new Coach Archie Duran Elementary this school year, the Gene Roddenberry Planetarium has a new home in Northeast El Paso at the site of the former Crosby Elementary.
Funding for the new space exploration facility was made possible after the district partnered with the City of El Paso to acquire a grant that would cover the cost of relocating to and renovating a section of Crosby so it could accommodate the planetarium's 40-foot dome, and create a star gazing park and parking.
When Will It Reopen to the Public?
While The Roddenberry is primarily used for educating El Paso’s students about the wonders of the cosmos, it also offers opportunities for the public to visit the facility.
When can we expect it to reopen to the rest of us? “Soon” is all they’re giving us for now.
“For those of you waiting for public shows at the Roddenberry,” read an April 20 social media post, “we have some good news coming soon! Stay tuned!”
More recently, a film poster for “From Earth to the Universe” was shared along with the coy caption, “Hmm..might this be part of the upcoming public shows? Maybe”
Space and the Wonders of the Heavens Awaits
For years, educational summer shows were a fun and entertaining thing to do with the kids, and by all indications, a new generation of kids from all over El Paso can experience the amazing night sky and our vast solar system by attending the free public programming that is surely coming this summer. Fingers crossed.
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