El Paso residents are voicing their concerns via social media over the upcoming Safely Open Texas Now! Rally set for this Saturday, April 25, 2020.

The Safely Open Texas Now! Rally Facebook event page is inviting El Pasoans to gather for a peaceful rally this weekend stating:

“You are invited to join us as we gather to demand that our elected officials safely reopen the State of Texas, the County of El Paso, and the city of El Paso for business! We believe businesses should be allowed to open and offer their services safely.

This will be a peaceful and respectful rally. The public is encouraged to attend. Please come out and speak your mind! Social distancing rules will be followed.”

The Facebook invite shows Sam Carrejo and Naomi Fragoso as the host of the upcoming event and while the comments were turned off on the invite page, some of the commentaries can be seen on Sam Carrejo’s personal page after he posted the KFOX story about the rally.

As of writing this the Safely Open Texas Now! Rally Facebook event page showed 71 people planning to attend the event while about 159 were interested.

While I’m all about a peaceful rally I don’t think that this gathering is wise at this time especially since El Paso Mayor Dee Margo has stated that we should all be practicing social distancing and avoiding crowds altogether. Also, I think to myself, what implications will this event cause for our first responders such as the police who may have to be onsite to assist if people do converge at the courthouse.

Even though the Facebook event page clearly states that this rally plans to adhere to social distancing rules and with no official statement addressed by the city - the planned event has some El Pasoans voicing their concerns wondering what the health ramifications this event may cause.


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