El Paso Streetcar Announces New Operating Hours
You know I love me the streetcar. I think the historic streetcars are so much fun to ride and they take you to parts of town in south El Paso that you might not otherwise check out on your own. There are beautiful buildings that you can see up close and you can get from events and businesses downtown to the Cincinnati Entertainment District just by hopping on and off the streetcar.
If you want to track the streetcar and figure out where to catch it along its route, you can download the app. There are new streetcar hours you need to know about as well. The new hours are:
Sunday – Wednesday, 10 a.m. – midnight
Thursday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 1 a.m.
You can ride the streetcar for free throughout October and into 2020, so this is the best time to take a ride all over downtown and up Mesa on the streetcar. While family members are in town for the holidays, you can take them for a ride for free.
The streetcar ride is free but you can donate to the El Paso Strong Campaign via fare boxes inside the streetcar. The campaign will be used to construct a permanent memorial to honor the victims and survivors of the Aug. 3 domestic terrorism attack.
Check out the El Paso Streetcar - it is a lot of fun for the whole family.