El Paso Library Summer Reading Club Kicks Off
If your kids love to read, or if you want your kids to do more reading, you should sign them up for the 2019 Summer Reading Club. You can sign up June 1st through August 3rd at any public library location or online at the library website. Kids can read just 8 books or 8 hours depending on their reading level. Registration is free and available for people of ALL ages.
Kids that stay engaged in learning over the summer is the very best way of fighting Summer Learning Loss which is the tendency to forget what they’ve learned over the summer. Taking part in programs like Summer Reading Club keeps young people stay active intellectually and helps minimize learning loss.
The Library will sponsor hundreds of programs for kids of all ages so register them soon. It’s free and fun and the kiddos will learn a lot. Sun Metro has partnered with several non-profit organizations to provide qualifying youth with free transportation during the summer months in order to attend summer youth programs.
Kids who are enrolled with the participating programs like the library’s Summer Reading Club can even ride Sun Metro for free between June 7 and August 31.
Kids between the ages of 6 and 18 are eligible for the pass. Children under the age of 12 will get a distinguished pass to allow for a companion, over the age of 12, to ride with the child free of charge. Children age 5 and under always ride for free.
You can contact any library branch or any participating agency to enroll in the summer programs before getting a Sun Metro summer pass. For more information visit sunmetro.net.
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