There are a lot of things in life that I can admit I take for granted. One of those things is the ability to walk. For one El Paso girl, having that ability is something she wished for and she was able to get that wish come true all thanks to an act of kindness from a non-profit organization based out of New Jersey.

Victoria Rose was born premature and as a result, she suffered from severe weakness and was left disabled. Victoria relies on her medical devices to get around.

Courtesy: Melinda
Courtesy: Melinda

To Victoria’s family's disappointment, The State of Texas recently declared that Victoria was not disabled which meant that she would no longer be eligible to receive any benefits.

“Victoria Rose is only 6 years old and is just crawling. We know that it all takes time to get where she needs to be but according to social security, they stated her condition has improved therefore she isn’t disabled any longer,” read a GoFundMe page that was created for Victoria to have funds to hire a lawyer to help Victoria win her benefits back.

Although these roadblocks have been placed in Victoria and her family's path, they did not give up on trying to help Victoria walk again and most importantly dance again, her favorite thing to do.

Courtesy: Melinda
Courtesy: Melinda

Victoria was able to do those two things all thanks to a generous donation from a non-profit organization called, “From we can’t to We can.”

The organization’s mission is to support disabled individuals through representation and financial support.

Victoria’s mom shared a precious video of the sweet donation they received from the organization which was an “Upsee.”

An Upsee is an upright mobility device designed to allow children with motor impairments to stand and move with the help of an adult.

In the video, you can see the HUGE smile across Victoria’s face as her dad helps her walk for the very first time.

In another video, shared by the non-profit organization, Victoria is seen doing what she loves the most, dancing and smiling.

"Dance the night away Tori. This is the difference equipment can make,” read the post.

This donation meant so much to not only little Victoria, but her mom as well.

“With all that’s been going on, still fighting to keep Tori’s benefits. We were blessed to be given this upsee. This piece of equipment gives tori the ability to walk around and dance like she loves to do. I can’t express the feeling I get when I see her so happy,” wrote Victoria’s mom in a post she shared on her Instagram page.

Victoria’s family is hopeful that they will be able to win the fight of getting Victoria her benefits back. But for now, the donation of the Upsee is something that her family is thankful for.

If you’d like to donate to Victoria’s GoFundMe page, Click Here.


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