Where to Throw Away Christmas Trees in El Paso
Once the presents beneath the tree have been opened and the ornaments carefully packed away, El Pasoans will be able to recycle their fresh cut Christmas trees, and turn them into free mulch.
Beginning Thursday, December 26, citizens can bring their fresh trees to any of the City of El Paso Environmental Services Department’s five Citizen Collection Stations, located at the following addresses:
- 1034 Pendale (East)
- 4200 Delta (South)
- 121 Atlantic (West)
- 4501 Hondo Pass (Northeast)
- 2492 Harrison (Central)
The mulch produced from the recycled trees will be available to all ESD residential customers at no charge.
Please remove all decorative items from the tree before drop-off.
The Citizen Collection Stations will be closed from Monday, December 22 through Christmas Day. Starting December 26, they will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday.
The stations also accept household trash, bulky items, tires (without rims), used electronics, and household hazardous waste.
For more information on the Citizen Collection Stations, visit elpasotexas.gov/environmental-services
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