Does Your Mask Prevent Ice Breath? Check Out Tricia’s Mask Test [VIDEO]
Friday morning was spectacularly cold. At one point the temperature was in the low 20s. Mike said that when he was in the kitchen of the station warming up his breakfast he walked outside to see his ice breath in the cold morning air. Ice breath is a term his son coined when he was five years old and Mike has used it ever since. He noticed that he couldn't see his ice breath through the mask he was wearing and said that he is glad because he knows that the mask is protecting him and those around him. I decided to find out if my ice breath would come through my mask so I went out in front of our building on a commercial break and did a little mask challenge myself.
Turns out if I breathe regularly, you can't see my ice breath. If I try to blow air out of my mouth like I'm blowing out candles, you could see a little bit of ice breath but not as much as if I didn't have my mask on. I guess I will have to remember to not exhale to forcefully or blow out candles on a birthday cake with the mask I wear. I'll also try to find a different mask to keep myself and those around me safer.
How about you? Does your mask stand up to the ice breath challenge?